
New movie was already uploaded on you tube.松永亜矢香のフォトムービー中国曲シリーズ新作、アップしました。

松永亜矢香のフォトムービー、You tubeにアップしました。中国は雲南省シャングリラ県の民謡で「リンリァ ジャーモ」という曲です。漢字で書くと「林林加姆」。これは借音文字です。発音だけを借りているので、漢字に意味はありません。
歌手のChingdrol Dolma(チンドル・ドルマ / チベット人)は北京の音大に通う大学生(すでに卒業したかも)。彼女は将来、大歌手になる可能性を持った人だと思います。
This is a folk song of Kham Tibet. Chinese characters here only show how to read it, so they don’t have meaning in themselves.
Chingdrol Dolma is a singer studying in a music college of Beijing (Perhaps already graduated, but not sure).I am sure she is a singer with hidden potential.
This song is based on quadruple time,but in between there is a change to a combination of quadruple and double time.At the timing of change, the number of steps remains the same,but the timing of stepping changes.
This trick appears not only in the singing part, but also in the instrumental part.This method makes dancing more complex and alluring.

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