The unique point is that the lyric is different from singer to singer.(Please note that Ban Ban Tian Shi is a mixture of Mandarin and Malay.)
I used some pictures to make the lyric understood easily.
"Tempe goring" is one of the typical banana dishes of Malay, deep fried bananas.
tempe goreng
And here is a long wooden pole called"jolokkan"
Since the majority of Malay are Muslim,and often take a shower on their heads, hands,and foot, 7 times a day in general.This means to purify the body before praying.
Guidebooks usually introduce that it is strictly forbidden to send alcohol to Muslim,but actually not.To tell you the truth, Muslim love alcohol.
When Malaysian women living in Japan go back to Malaysia, they buy a bunch of alcohol(whiskey).I asked them to whom they give the alcohol,they said with grin, "To my friends and relatives, and one for a policemen nearby my house.This gift really works."
Oh, the last story should be kept between us:-$
Malay is basically a country of Muslim, but the freedom of religion is guaranteed by law.And therefore, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu,Christian and animism coexist without any turmoil:-)
この曲はマレーのフォークソング(またはchildren song)として、マレーシアで一番有名な曲の一つです。この曲は歌う人によって歌詞が違います。Ban Ban Tian Shiのやつはマンダリン+マレー語の歌詞です。
tempe gorengはマレーの代表的なバナナ料理。バナナの天ぷらです。
マレー人の殆どがイスラム教徒なので、沐浴をしょっちゅうします。これにはお祈りの前に、体を清めるという意味があるのです。ただし、井戸でする小沐浴は 頭と手足だけでOKなんです。
マレーはイスラム国家なのですが、宗教の自由が憲法で保障されています。ここではイスラム教も仏教もヒンズー教もキリスト教もア二ミズムも、争いもなく共存している理想国家なのです ^^) _旦~~
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